We compute where tracks pass marks and measure attributes of these segments thus produced.
67th (S) 9 5 6 5 5 4 3 7 15 3 5 4 4 3 3 E Canby (W) 13 9 10 9 9 8 7 11 20 5 9 8 8 7 7 68th (N) 19 14 14 13 14 13 13 16 25 10 14 13 13 12 11 Trail (W) 23 15 18 16 15 17 15 18 30 11 16 16 15 13 14 N Oleson (S) 27 16 22 19 17 19 19 20 32 13 17 18 19 15 16 S Oleson (S) 32 20 26 23 22 23 24 25 36 18 22 22 23 18 21 W Canby (E) 38 27 32 28 27 29 29 30 42 24 28 28 27 23 27 E Canby (E) 43 31 36 31 30 34 32 35 47 28 32 32 32 27 31 67th (N) 47 35 39 35 33 37 33 38 49 31 36 37 33 30 34
67th (S) 19 19 22 17 25 35 31 36 16 44 32 17 9 18 22 E Canby (W) 9 33 33 37 8 29 23 16 33 45 33 26 20 18 8 68th (N) 11 30 61 30 48 46 36 38 34 36 23 9 8 23 22 Trail (W) 143 290 26 49 209 71 102 156 107 316 325 218 166 26 181 N Oleson (S) 4 81 22 11 6 49 30 15 11 6 14 24 47 24 20 S Oleson (S) 17 52 35 52 25 20 23 19 23 28 22 47 61 10 4 W Canby (E) 41 21 31 5 18 14 66 62 12 21 15 14 12 7 19 E Canby (E) 18 9 45 13 45 47 61 33 83 32 19 33 37 40 47 67th (N) 58 42 48 26 78 36 204 2 33 99 32 57 72 61 38
Here we mark the gps samples that will be one end or another of interpolation.
45.4697701614958,-122.74624960102139 67th (S) 45.46986672102611,-122.7462066856746 67th (S) 45.46987744986279,-122.74629251636819 67th (S) 45.469834534515996,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.46987744986279,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.46989890753619,-122.74633543171498 67th (S) 45.469748703822404,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.469727246149006,-122.74629251636819 67th (S) 45.46982380567931,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.46970578847561,-122.74629251636819 67th (S) 45.469888178699506,-122.74633543171498 67th (S) 45.469834534515996,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.46980234800591,-122.74627105869479 67th (S) 45.46984526335271,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 45.4698130768426,-122.74633543171498 67th (S) 45.46930882151776,-122.74689333122333 E Canby (W) 45.46934100802784,-122.74680750052974 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74678604285634 E Canby (W) 45.469330279191155,-122.74704353493712 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74691478889673 E Canby (W) 45.46931955035444,-122.74680750052974 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74700061959032 E Canby (W) 45.46931955035444,-122.74695770424353 E Canby (W) 45.46929809268104,-122.74704353493712 E Canby (W) 45.46931955035444,-122.74708645028392 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74678604285634 E Canby (W) 45.469330279191155,-122.74682895820314 E Canby (W) 45.46931955035444,-122.74697916191693 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74685041587654 E Canby (W) 45.46930882151776,-122.74691478889673 E Canby (W) 45.470070568923376,-122.74749414607848 68th (N) 45.4699740093931,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.469888178699506,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.4699740093931,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.47018858612708,-122.74751560375188 68th (N) 45.4699310940463,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.47015639961697,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.4699525517197,-122.74751560375188 68th (N) 45.469963280556385,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.47015639961697,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.4699954670665,-122.74755851909867 68th (N) 45.47003838241329,-122.74755851909867 68th (N) 45.47008129776009,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.4699954670665,-122.74751560375188 68th (N) 45.4699954670665,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 45.4710898084098,-122.74760143444547 Trail (W) 45.47047826471794,-122.74757997677207 Trail (W) 45.47119709677679,-122.74824516464741 Trail (W) 45.47121855445019,-122.74833099534101 Trail (W) 45.471443860020855,-122.74886743717596 Trail (W) 45.471261469796985,-122.7483953683612 Trail (W) 45.47132584281718,-122.7484811990548 Trail (W) 45.47101470655289,-122.74757997677207 Trail (W) 45.47134730049058,-122.7484811990548 Trail (W) 45.47040316286106,-122.74755851909867 Trail (W) 45.47132584281718,-122.74940387901091 Trail (W) 45.47073575679872,-122.74755851909867 Trail (W) 45.4709503335327,-122.74757997677207 Trail (W) 45.47119709677679,-122.74824516464741 Trail (W) 45.47142240234746,-122.74876014880897 Trail (W) 45.471100537246485,-122.7495755403981 N Oleson (S) 45.47127219863367,-122.74936096366412 N Oleson (S) 45.47103616422629,-122.7495540827247 N Oleson (S) 45.471100537246485,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.47107907957309,-122.7495540827247 N Oleson (S) 45.47096106236941,-122.7495540827247 N Oleson (S) 45.47101470655289,-122.7495755403981 N Oleson (S) 45.4710683507364,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.471100537246485,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.4711112660832,-122.7495755403981 N Oleson (S) 45.47112199491988,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.47103616422629,-122.7495969980715 N Oleson (S) 45.4709717912061,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.47112199491988,-122.74946825203111 N Oleson (S) 45.47114345259328,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 45.47005984008669,-122.74914638693014 S Oleson (S) 45.47011348427017,-122.74940387901091 S Oleson (S) 45.47014567078028,-122.74927513297052 S Oleson (S) 45.469963280556385,-122.74906055623654 S Oleson (S) 45.47002765357658,-122.74912492925674 S Oleson (S) 45.47011348427017,-122.74923221762373 S Oleson (S) 45.4699954670665,-122.74918930227693 S Oleson (S) 45.47000619590318,-122.74923221762373 S Oleson (S) 45.470016924739895,-122.74914638693014 S Oleson (S) 45.47004911124998,-122.74910347158334 S Oleson (S) 45.47000619590318,-122.74916784460353 S Oleson (S) 45.4699310940463,-122.74925367529713 S Oleson (S) 45.469909636372904,-122.74910347158334 S Oleson (S) 45.47004911124998,-122.74925367529713 S Oleson (S) 45.47005984008669,-122.74923221762373 S Oleson (S) 45.46924444849756,-122.74833099534101 W Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74811641860703 W Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74807350326023 W Canby (E) 45.46931955035444,-122.74820224930062 W Canby (E) 45.46930882151776,-122.74826662232081 W Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74824516464741 W Canby (E) 45.46925517733425,-122.74794475721984 W Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.748438283708 W Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.74822370697402 W Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74811641860703 W Canby (E) 45.46931955035444,-122.74813787628042 W Canby (E) 45.46926590617096,-122.74820224930062 W Canby (E) 45.46929809268104,-122.74824516464741 W Canby (E) 45.46929809268104,-122.74822370697402 W Canby (E) 45.46925517733425,-122.74822370697402 W Canby (E) 45.46926590617096,-122.74689333122333 E Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74687187354994 E Canby (E) 45.46926590617096,-122.74670021216275 E Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.74685041587654 E Canby (E) 45.46929809268104,-122.74704353493712 E Canby (E) 45.46925517733425,-122.74670021216275 E Canby (E) 45.46924444849756,-122.74708645028392 E Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.74674312750955 E Canby (E) 45.46925517733425,-122.74655000844896 E Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.74697916191693 E Canby (E) 45.469276635007645,-122.74680750052974 E Canby (E) 45.46926590617096,-122.74697916191693 E Canby (E) 45.46928736384436,-122.74672166983615 E Canby (E) 45.46929809268104,-122.74702207726372 E Canby (E) 45.46924444849756,-122.74702207726372 E Canby (E) 45.4699525517197,-122.74624960102139 67th (N) 45.46968433080221,-122.74627105869479 67th (N) 45.46966287312881,-122.74624960102139 67th (N) 45.46986672102611,-122.7462066856746 67th (N) 45.47000619590318,-122.7461637703278 67th (N) 45.46969505963892,-122.74622814334799 67th (N) 45.46926590617096,-122.74648563542877 67th (N) 45.4697916191692,-122.74622814334799 67th (N) 45.46970578847561,-122.7461852280012 67th (N) 45.47004911124998,-122.7460779396342 67th (N) 45.46971651731232,-122.7461637703278 67th (N) 45.4699525517197,-122.74622814334799 67th (N) 45.46998473822978,-122.7461423126544 67th (N) 45.469963280556385,-122.7462066856746 67th (N) 45.46989890753619,-122.7462066856746 67th (N)
Here we we show the interpolated locations adjacent to a mark.
45.4698233,-122.74618701476074 67th (S) 2022-12-10 45.4698233,-122.74624315635678 67th (S) 2022-12-12 45.4698233,-122.74630161280193 67th (S) 2022-12-13 45.4698233,-122.74631289926319 67th (S) 2022-12-14 45.4698233,-122.74630404351146 67th (S) 2022-12-15 45.4698233,-122.74630460757014 67th (S) 2022-12-20 45.4698233,-122.74619294474019 67th (S) 2022-12-25 45.4698233,-122.74629251636819 67th (S) 2022-12-29 45.4698233,-122.74631392054678 67th (S) 2022-12-30 45.4698233,-122.74878572098626 67th (S) 2023-01-01 45.4698233,-122.74630629152486 67th (S) 2023-01-02 45.4698233,-122.74631271919041 67th (S) 2023-01-02 45.4698233,-122.74626845503522 67th (S) 2023-01-03 45.4698233,-122.74631397404158 67th (S) 2023-01-06 45.4698233,-122.74633407713996 67th (S) 2023-01-07 45.46930882151776,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-10 45.46930278586299,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-12 45.46927922387648,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-13 45.4692950897509,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-14 45.46930882151776,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-15 45.469281328189595,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-20 45.46932213157276,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-25 45.46932365140833,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-29 45.46929809268104,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2022-12-30 45.46939017351703,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-01 45.46932901739925,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-02 45.46931646618606,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-02 45.46931955035444,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-03 45.469313927498895,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-06 45.46930882151776,-122.7469132 E Canby (W) 2023-01-07 45.4700575,-122.74749582548111 68th (N) 2022-12-10 45.4700575,-122.74754768491589 68th (N) 2022-12-12 45.4700575,-122.74757720291643 68th (N) 2022-12-13 45.4700575,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 2022-12-14 45.4700575,-122.74759548833177 68th (N) 2022-12-15 45.4700575,-122.74771308685841 68th (N) 2022-12-20 45.4700575,-122.7478879084739 68th (N) 2022-12-25 45.4700575,-122.74751560375188 68th (N) 2022-12-29 45.4700575,-122.74754368814509 68th (N) 2022-12-30 45.4700575,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 2023-01-01 45.4700575,-122.74755851909867 68th (N) 2023-01-02 45.4700575,-122.74755511075564 68th (N) 2023-01-02 45.4700575,-122.74753977129356 68th (N) 2023-01-03 45.4700575,-122.74755760293624 68th (N) 2023-01-06 45.4700575,-122.74753706142528 68th (N) 2023-01-07 45.48437927180311,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-10 45.47119128059108,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-12 45.47115326230267,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-13 45.47105115731651,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-14 45.4828059433652,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-15 45.47098340582037,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-20 45.47035131531745,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-25 45.47146153226075,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-29 45.47083821896086,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2022-12-30 45.471211210968306,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-01 45.473467824324075,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-02 45.471219306157515,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-02 45.47239956526776,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-03 45.470991016334985,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-06 45.51101229605182,-122.748152 Trail (W) 2023-01-07 45.4710977,-122.749575195886 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-10 45.4710977,-122.7496609298301 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-12 45.4710977,-122.74947868164477 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-13 45.4710977,-122.7495111673779 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-14 45.4710977,-122.74953756659215 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-15 45.4710977,-122.7493202329867 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-20 45.4710977,-122.7494432606193 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-25 45.4710977,-122.74948240324433 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-29 45.4710977,-122.74951208900573 N Oleson (S) 2022-12-30 45.4710977,-122.74957389313907 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-01 45.4710977,-122.74951905914004 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-02 45.4710977,-122.7494917977356 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-02 45.4710977,-122.75218382868557 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-03 45.4710977,-122.74947877438062 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-06 45.4710977,-122.74953049041254 N Oleson (S) 2023-01-07 45.4700581,-122.74914621005273 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-10 45.4700581,-122.7493317229652 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-12 45.4700581,-122.74875251714514 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-13 45.4700581,-122.74914186125842 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-14 45.4700581,-122.74915468622056 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-15 45.4700581,-122.7491556108903 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-20 45.4700581,-122.74925771267695 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-25 45.4700581,-122.74925232696441 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-29 45.4700581,-122.74917547481022 S Oleson (S) 2022-12-30 45.4700581,-122.74910933723831 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-01 45.4700581,-122.74920451177067 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-02 45.4700581,-122.74887393304031 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-02 45.4700581,-122.74939106985008 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-03 45.4700581,-122.74925724971615 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-06 45.4700581,-122.74923120768855 S Oleson (S) 2023-01-07 45.469272758162454,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-10 45.46928736384436,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-12 45.46928736384436,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-13 45.46931875115053,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-14 45.46930716364547,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-15 45.46928736384436,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-20 45.46941099992433,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-25 45.469276635007645,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-29 45.469276635007645,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2022-12-30 45.469308560418966,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-01 45.469323924021566,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-02 45.46926545102847,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-02 45.4692947457537,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-03 45.469296744839006,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-06 45.46925517733425,-122.7481957 W Canby (E) 2023-01-07 45.46926725547353,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-10 45.469287118329966,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-12 45.46931708987415,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-13 45.469276635007645,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-14 45.46916961662132,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-15 45.46934995738146,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-20 45.46927438504552,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-25 45.469293543762426,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-29 45.470027068838036,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2022-12-30 45.46928434160581,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-01 45.469283004002065,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-02 45.46927330590393,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-02 45.469307242355505,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-03 45.46926525700629,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-06 45.46929073233067,-122.7468653 E Canby (E) 2023-01-07 45.4697947,-122.74627470804343 67th (N) 2022-12-10 45.4697947,-122.74618005850324 67th (N) 2022-12-12 45.4697947,-122.7461647272769 67th (N) 2022-12-13 45.4697947,-122.74622348493637 67th (N) 2022-12-14 45.4697947,-122.74675548172056 67th (N) 2022-12-15 45.4697947,-122.74617581897324 67th (N) 2022-12-20 45.4697947,-122.7462216 67th (N) 2022-12-25 45.4697947,-122.74622717398807 67th (N) 2022-12-29 45.4697947,-122.74613405929513 67th (N) 2022-12-30 45.4697947,-122.74636387808835 67th (N) 2023-01-01 45.4697947,-122.74615008490888 67th (N) 2023-01-02 45.4697947,-122.74624823540795 67th (N) 2023-01-02 45.4697947,-122.7464893051944 67th (N) 2023-01-03 45.4697947,-122.7463121543682 67th (N) 2023-01-06 45.4697947,-122.74623566668312 67th (N) 2023-01-07